My man and I have had a whirlwind of a week and, excepting Thursday, didn't have a spare moment for sex. I'm talking passed out in the bed at night, dragging ourselves out in the morning to work. I was really hoping to seduce him last night after things settled down, but we had some unexpected company.
Don't you hate when your entire life seems to be conspiring AGAINST you having sex? Granted, if we were more adventurous we could've fucked on our way to an event, had a quickie in the shower, or woken ourselves up just a shade earlier, but we're that tired.
Doesn't really make for good reading, does it? To make matters worse, Aunt Flow has decided to come visit. I'm not against sex during menstruation, but the first few days I feel too crampy and uncomfortable to enjoy it.
I wonder what other women do. Do they push past the initial disinterest, or do they put sex on hold for the week?
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